Oral Hygiene

by | Jul 13, 2021 | Dental Care | 0 comments

Can You Pass the Quiz?

We learn from an early age to brush our teeth before we go to bed. However, we may not have understood at a young age why this was important. Besides, there is so much more to oral hygiene than just brushing your teeth before you go to bed. The more you know about your teeth and what causes tooth decay and gum disease, the better your chance of having a healthy mouth. Moreover, you can prevent costly tooth repair. So, let us see how much you know about dental hygiene. Test your knowledge by taking the quiz below. Then, check your answers with the ones we give below. But no peeking!

Oral Hygiene Quiz

  1. Which food is worse for causing cavities, a chocolate bar or potato chips?
  2. Which fruit is better for your mouth while wearing braces, a banana or an apple?
  3. Does wearing braces increase my risk of gum disease?
  4. Can I floss while wearing braces?
  5. Can braces discolor my teeth?
  6. How often do I need to brush my teeth with braces?
  7. Can I eat while wearing Invisalign braces?
  8. Can I drink while wearing Invisalign braces?
  9. Should I take vitamins while wearing braces?


  1. Potato chips. While neither a chocolate bar nor potato chips are great for health, potato chips are more likely to stick to your teeth than a chocolate candy bar so there is more chance of potato chips causing tooth decay. But beware of any foods that stick to your teeth and braces, such as bread, sticky candies, cookies, etc.
  2. A banana. Here is a sample chart of foods ok to eat and foods to avoid with braces:
Foods You Can Eat Foods to Avoid
Cooked Vegetables Raw hard vegetables e.g., carrots, celery
Soft fruits e.g., bananas, avocados Hard fruits e.g., apples, raw coconut
Scrambled eggs Nuts
Oatmeal Chewy candy
Soups Hard candy
Yogurt Pretzels
Mashed potatoes Chips
Soft cheeses Chewing gum
Soft desserts e.g., puddings, Jello Popcorn


  1. Yes. Patients who wear braces are more susceptible to gum disease. With braces it can be challenging to clean the hard-to-reach areas. As a result, plaque accumulates along the gum line and around the brackets.
  2. Yes. Although flossing with your braces may be more difficult, it will help you get rid of food that may get trapped inside your braces and between your teeth. Use waxed floss with a floss threader. This will help the floss slip between each tooth without catching on your braces. Gently slide the floss up into the gum line of both teeth before removing the floss and threader and going to the next tooth.
  3. No. It is not the braces themselves that discolor your teeth, but your teeth can get discolored while wearing braces. What happens is the braces can trap food which can cause a buildup of bacteria. The bacteria cause plaque to form.  However, you can help prevent discoloration by brushing and flossing regularly and keeping your regular dental cleanings to remove plaque.
  4. 4 times a day. You should brush and rinse your teeth after each meal and then again before you go to bed.
  5. No. While the aligner is durable and strong, you should remove it before you eat as the chewing action inside your mouth can break, crack, or distort the aligner.
  6. No. Fluids can settle inside the aligner. Especially if the fluids are acidic, such as a soda drink. The acids can wear away tooth enamel. Also, hot drinks can damage your Invisalign®
  7. Yes. Proper nutrition and getting enough vitamins are vital for keeping your body healthy. While we do not hear much anymore of Scurvy (a disease from severe lack of Vitamin C), bleeding gums can still be a symptom of a deficiency of Vitamin C and also a symptom of a deficiency of Vitamin D.

So, how did you do?  We hope this quiz helped you to learn more about taking care of your teeth. If you have any questions about oral hygiene while undergoing orthodontic treatment, feel free to contact us. And make sure to keep your scheduled appointments.


Dr. Tripp Cobb


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